Bhawana is originally from Nepal and came to Thunder Bay in December 2019 to continue her education. She has lived her life surrounded by people - the youngest of six girls and now with five nieces and nephews, her hands (and heart) were full in Nepal. Now thousands of kilometers away, she still takes time to speak to her family every day. Psychology is a topic of interest for Bhawana; finding out why people do and say, and think what they do and forging connections that way (which comes in handy now that she is studying marketing and consumer behaviour).
A private investigator in the making, if you ever are looking for someone, she can cyber stalk her way into finding them on social media (it might be all those crime shows she grew up watching). On the flip side, she is a Disney fan who claims Rapunzel and Cinderalla as her favourites.
Bhawana loves the history of Thunder Bay and enjoys following Facebook groups that share images from the past of what the city looked like as it was being built to the city we see today. She also loves the views of the Sleeping Giant and Lake Superior and generally that we can experience all four seasons here. “I grew up in a small village in Nepal that lied in the shore of a huge river, surrounded by hills. And just like that Thunder Bay feels home.”
Her favourite place in the city is Mount McKay for the views - nothing like seeing the Thunder Bay from above!
A woman after our own hearts, Bhawana loves to live life in recline and has become quite aquatinted with her couch to the point where she cannot live without it - “I need my couch while reading, watching TV, sleeping, eating (most of the time), using my phone, and almost everything.”
Bhawana arrived in Thunder Bay at an unfortunate time - three months later, COVID hit hard and the city went into lockdown. She had plans to explore the city more, connect with local groups, and get to know the community but guidelines have halted her efforts. She did have an opportunity to volunteer with PARO at their International Woman’s Day event. “I got chance to meet with different women entrepreneurs, politicians, social workers, and professionals of Thunder Bay. The event was very inspiring.” She hopes that some day soon she will be able to get out there and explore everything the city has to offer.
Being so far from home, Bhawana has come to realize how lucky she was to have lived so close to family. She has also learned to have patience and the strength that is provides. “The more patient I am, the stronger and [more] determined I get…and have understood the importance of living in the moment. I had dreams and still do. The only difference before and after COVID is that I am more patient and determined.”
“I have enjoyed every day of my life in Thunder Bay. It is peaceful and naturally beautiful. It feels like home.”