The Grinch may have successfully stolen the Sociable Search last year but we won’t let him ruin Christmas in 2024!

The Grinch Sociable Search is returning with 8 rocks to find around the Waterfront district. On Saturday, December 14th, a heat map of clues for all 8 Grinch rocks will be dropping on Facebook and Instagram at 12pm sharp. EACH GRINCH ROCK is worth $75 in BIA bucks for you to enjoy some shopping.

The #SociableSearch is a treasure hunt that encourages people to get outdoors, explore new places and create memories. For this search, there will be 8 rocks placed at a various locations within the Waterfront District BIA to celebrate alongside the Heart of the Holidays event. Unlike other hunts, there will not be clues but we will be developing three different heat maps that will give you a general idea as to where one of the rocks are hidden. The Grinch themed rocks can be hidden anywhere on the ground (under a rock, tree, leaves, or snow) but they will be outside only.

    • A heat map of clues will be posted at 12pm sharp on December 14th on our social media channels (Facebook and Instagram).

    • Map of the Waterfront District BIA can be found here. Get familiar with the area ahead.

    • Please ONLY ONE winner/rock per group/family. Give others a chance for some fun. It helps the Grinch’s heart grow.

    • Return rocks to us at the Red Lion Smokehouse between 12pm-2pm.

    • Rocks be hidden anywhere - outside under rocks, trees, snow, etc. They can also be hidden upside down (so it appears to be a normal rock) or right side up with the design showing.

    • No destroying of property. It is hidden in the open so there is no digging, uprooting, moving, etc required.

    • Tag us on Instagram/Facebook on your journey as you get closer and closer to the treasure @SociableThunderBay. Seeing these photos/videos literally makes our day and doing this totally worth it.

    • Be kind! To both your fellow searchers and us.

    • Thanks to the Hide & Seek Tbay Rocks Facebook group for the beautifully painted rocks!

  • Come find us at Red Lion Smokehouse between 12pm-2pm to hand in your rock in return for $75 in BIA Bucks.

  • BIA Bucks are like cash but are only to be spent at a business in the Waterfront District BIA (restaurant, retail store, spa, service, etc.). You pay with the BIA Bucks and then businesses exchange the BIA Bucks for real cash with the Waterfront District BIA. Really, its a win-win.


Heat maps drop at 12pm on Saturday, December 14th.

Each rock is worth $75 in BIA Bucks for shopping in the Waterfront District BIA!